Bing has gained quite a following since its launch, and it has also undergone a number of changes. In fact there have been thousands of tweaks and tests put in place to help make the search tool as valuable and as easy to use as possible. The Bing Blog looks back over the past year to see exactly what 2013 brought.
As well as the iconic homepage image that changes every day, Bing has also become cleaner so there are fewer distractions standing between you and the information you need. There were other visual changes such as the new logo, but there were far more changes made under the hood to help improve the overall experience.
Something the Bing team is particularly proud of is Page Zero which enable you to see results as you type a search term. This is a great time saver as it means that not only are you able to see certain information without even having to finish typing a search term, but also helps you to see more information at once.
Performing a search can mean being directed towards a staggering number of websites, but the introduction of the Pole Position feature means that it is faster than ever to get the answers to certain question. For example, search for information about the weather and the forecast will be displayed in the search results so you don’t have to visit a particular page.
Other important changes include a much improved image search, as well as enhanced video and music searching. And this is just the start — there’s much more to come.
What have been your favorite changes and additions to Bing over the past 12 months? What would you like to see in the coming year?