Microsoft has rolled out the Xbox One May 2014 update to beta testers. The update is reportedly small and addresses a few bugs, but also adds “underlying OS changes required to enable planned 1405 features,” hinting that Microsoft might be planning something big.
Here is the change log for 1405 (xb_rel_1405.140506-2200), rolling out now for beta testers:
- Updates to help address issues where Game DVR clips may be recorded without audio.
- Underlying OS changes required to enable planned 1405 features.
- Get System Update button change. This update changes how the system update button works under Settings->System. Now the button will say “No update available” and be greyed out when there is no update, and it will say “Update console” and be active when an update is available.
- Update to address issues some issues users noticed where Party Chat would be quiet unless the Party App is snapped.
No word on what the “planned 1405 features” consists of, but we will soon find out. Anyone enrolled in the beta program?