Moments ago, Nokia added several new Android-powered smartphones to its product portfolio, including the Nokia X and the Nokia X+. Both these devices come with 4-inch displays, but for those of you who are fond of large displays, Nokia has more to offer in the form of a Nokia XL. The handset is based on the same forked version of Android that powers the Nokia X and X+, but offers users a larger 5-inch display with more RAM, as well as a better camera.
It boasts a similar set of specifications as the Nokia X+, with more room to play games and perform other activities on the large display. The Nokia XL comes with a 5-inch screen sporting a resolution of 800 x 480 pixels, and is powered by the same dual-core Snapdragon S4 processor with a clock speed of 1GHz, backed with 768MB of RAM.
The handset features a 5MP rear camera for photos and videos, as well as a 2MP front-facing camera, something which is missing from the Nokia X and X+. It measures 141.3 x 77.7 x 10.8mm and weighs only 190g. The Nokia XL comes with a forked version of Android and runs Nokia and Microsoft services on top of it, complete with access to the Nokia Store with hundreds of thousands of apps. Users also have the option to sideload apps on their devices, and comes with several popular titles such as BBM, Plants vs Zombies 2, and more pre-installed out of the box.
Nokia XL is priced at €109 and will hit the retail shelves in Asia-Pacific, Europe, India, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa in the second quarter of 2014. It will be available in bright green, orange, cyan, yellow, black and white.