Hands on with Windows 8.1 Update 1, new features and more (video)

Zac Bowden

Hands on with Windows 8.1 Update 1, new features and more (video)

Windows 8.1 Update 1 is pretty much done. The Windows Team are finishing up the update as we speak, ironing out the last little bugs which may or may not be wriggling somewhere in the system. Update 1 introduces a number of different changes and features for both tablet and desktop users, and we’re about to show you what’s new!

Windows 8.1 Update 1 now has the ability to detect your hardware and adjust settings accordingly. If you’re using a tablet, the operating system will show the Modern UI. If you’re using a laptop/desktop, your system will automatically enable boot to desktop among a number of other tweaks which make the operating system easier to use with a mouse.

Modern UI apps have been updated with new functionality. The Taskbar will now hover over them, allowing quick access to and from the desktop. Modern UI apps also have a title bar too, which allows for easy minimizing and closing of Modern UI apps.

SkyDrive has been renamed to OneDrive, which was expected as Microsoft did recently announce the SkyDrive rebrand. The OneDrive app hasn’t changed functionality wise, it’s just a simple rebrand. On the Desktop however, the return of the OneDrive icon in the taskbar means easier access to your cloud content without the need to open File Explorer and navigate manually to OneDrive.

Context menus on the Start Screen are also included in Update 1. This mean less mouse travel for non-touch users, as the app bar was a pain to use. The app bar is still available to touch users of course. Two new buttons are also displayed on the Start Screen, those being Power and Search. However, the Power button is not displayed on touch devices.

The Apps List has also been given an update, with the ability to see all apps alphabetically now. You can also change how many of these you see on the screen at one time.

Windows 8.1 Update 1 is set to hit Windows Update in April, and will be talked about at Microsoft’s annual BUILD developer conference. Check out our video below for the full rundown of everything new in Windows 8.1 Update 1!