It’s finally happened! Windows 8.1 Update 1 has leaked in pre-release form, meaning it’s not finished and not ready for the public. Update 1 is set to introduce a number of new features and additions for Windows 8.1 users, making the operating system easier to use for mouse users.
This pre-release build is unfinished, meaning it does not represent the final product. Things could change between now and release and we expect all bugs seen in the video to be fixed before then.
For those tech-savvy users, the full build string of this build reads: 9600.16596.WINBLUES14_GDR_LEAN.140114-0237. The build was compiled on January 14, which makes this build rather old.
Our hands on with Windows 8.1 Update 1 will walk you through all the major changes, including updated taskbar functionality, Modern UI changes and more. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the video below.