Social, perhaps along with the cloud, is one of the two most important keywords of today’s technology world. We’re all familiar with big players like Facebook, Twitter and even Google+, but do you know Path? It brings more minute control over all this, and today it finds its way to one more platform.
The company self-describes itself as “the trusted place for your personal life. It’s where you can be yourself, stay close to the people who matter most, and share life instead of links. Path gives you complete control over what you share, and who you choose to share with”.
The app is free, and also, perhaps more importantly, ad-free. It’s in Beta for now, is a 12 MB download, and requires you to be running Windows Phone 8. You can grab it by following the download link posted below. Here are the key features of this app:
- Your personal life – Journal your thoughts, your sleep, and your check-ins.
- Beautiful sharing – Capture photos and videos, and apply some of the best filters and editing tools to your photos.
- Feel the love – Friends and family can react with smiles, laughs, gasps, loves, comments and more.
- Cross-posting – Be everywhere you want to be by posting any Path moment to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Foursquare.
- Private Sharing – Choose to share any Path moment privately with one or more friends.
- Create an Inner Circle by selecting a group of friends to easily share moments with. Filter your feed to see only moments from your Inner Circle. And change your settings to only receive notifications from your Inner Circle.
Thanks to @Nawzil8 for the tip!