Microsoft has finally revealed the pricing for the upcoming Surface Pro tablets, powered by Windows 8. While the Surface RT is powered by Windows RT, the Surface Pro is the higher end Surface with Windows 8 and can run desktop applications (x86 and x64). The Surface Pro will be available in January of 2013 and will come in two flavors, a 64GB model for $899 and a 128GB model for $999.
“On the inside, Surface with Windows 8 Pro will come with Intel’s next generation Core i5 processor. This chip will give Surface with Windows 8 Pro a graphics boost for its 10.6” 16:9 ClearType display that runs at a 1920×1080 full HD resolution. Surface with Windows 8 Pro also includes a full-size USB 3.0 port. Its Mini DisplayPort can drive an external display up to 2560X1440 resolution,” Microsoft stated in an official blog post. The Surface Pro will also come with Pen input support as well as the ability to use a Touch Cover or Type Cover, but the Covers will be sold separately. On top of that, the Surface Pro weighs less than two pounds and will be less than 14 millimeters thick. The Surface Pro will retain the same design principle as the Surface RT, so it wont be too drastic of a change. This news comes right on time as an earlier report suggested that Microsoft might release the Surface Pro sooner due to lackluster Surface RT sales and reduce its price too.