Touted as the tablet that can replace your laptop, Microsoft’s Surface Pro 3 device has seen its fair share of success since the device launched a year ago. For Microsoft’s FY15 Q3 earnings report, the company reported that Surface generated revenue of $713 million, which is up 44% from the previous quarter, and mainly driven by the success of the Surface Pro 3. It comes as no surprise since the Surface Pro 3 has been receiving hefty discounts over the course of the year, and comes in several models.
Right now, if you head over to the online Microsoft Store, you can purchase the lower-end Intel Core i3, 64GB storage, and 4GB RAM model for $799. However, you can also purchase the Intel Core i5 with 128GB storage and 4GB RAM for $999. The Intel Core i5 with 256GB storage and 8GB RAM is available for $1299. The higher-end Core i7 256GB with 8GB RAM is available for $1549, while the 512GB with 8GB RAM model runs for $1949.
As spotted by one of our readers (thanks Matt for the tip!), it looks like Microsoft is now offering a new entry-level Core i7 model. In fact, you can now purchase an Intel Core i7 model with 128GB of storage space and 8GB of RAM for $1299. This is the same price as the Core i5 model with 256GB storage space. The only difference here is the CPU and the storage space. Head over to the online Microsoft Store to check out the device.
The Surface Pro 3 features a 12-inch display with a 3:2 aspect ratio, a screen resolution of 2160 x 1440, and is thinner/lighter than the Surface Pro 2. It comes with an improved continuous kickstand, allowing the device to be set at any angle between 22 and 150 degrees. The Surface Pro 3 also has a body made of magnesium alloy giving a gray matted finish to the back of the device.