Real-time Web filtering ensures safe and secure Internet access for 10,800 students and staff
Bloxx, the innovator in Web and Email content filtering, today announced that the City of Sunderland College is using Bloxx Web filtering, powered by Tru-View Technology, to deliver real-time Web content filtering and reporting for over 10,800 onsite students and staff situated in its five campuses.
The College moved to Bloxx real-time Web filtering in 2003 from SurfControl when a lack of functionality significantly impacted its ability to comply with e-safety directives. Keith A Prior, Network Engineer at the College explains, “With Bloxx’s real-time content analysis and filtering we have complete visibility and control of what Web pages our users’ are accessing and the use of anonymous proxies by students to bypass our Web filtering has been eradicated. With Bloxx Web filtering, the Web content delivered is now much more appropriate for a learning environment and it has significantly helped us with our e-safety compliance.”
Today, the College uses flexible Internet policies with Web access based on campus location and the specific learning needs of students’ courses. “Social networking sites are blocked across the College but some access is available at non-working times on specific PCs in our learning centres. Having this control over Internet access helps us keep students on track and enables us to better manage our network bandwidth and resources. The reporting application also provides an audit trail of Internet access and I can easily provide quantifiable information for discussions with users as and when required,” adds Prior.
Prior concludes, “Everything about the Bloxx Web filtering from price, purchase through to installation and ongoing support has been so easy. The installation was quick and smooth. Bloxx Support Engineers are more than helpful – in my opinion they are second to none. The appliance is very easy to use and when we need to make any configuration changes it’s simple and straightforward to do. And we are 100% sure our users are safe and secure when accessing the Internet. All of this, plus support for e-safety compliance at a lower cost than our previous Web filter. We couldn’t ask for more.”