In the US, today is Tax Day and it is the last day to file your taxes. Bing tracked anonymous search logs for keywords related to tax preparation searches, like “form 1040,” “filing married,” “tax return,” etc. and found that most people who prepare to file their taxes early, do so in December. Bing also discovered that more women prepare their taxes earlier than men.
Bing discovered two peak times that tax preparation searches spike; once in the beginning of February when most people get their W-2s in the mail from their employers and the other peak time is two days before Tax Day (April 15). Bing also tracked tax-related searches by state and found that South Dakota residents prepare their taxes the earliest and West Coast states prepare their taxes later than East Coast states.
In this picture below, Bing provides its tax preparation results in a map of the US. Yellow states had average tax preparation times, dark green states were average minus six days and dark red states represent average plus six days. So, you get a clear picture of which US states place where when it comes to tax preparation.
If you still haven’t filed your taxes yet, you only have a few hours left, so get cracking!