A few days ago during Microsoft’s earnings report, the company announced that it will no longer be manufacturing the ARM-based Surface 2. This suggested one of two things, either that Microsoft has finally given up on Windows RT, or that a successor is soon to be announced. Unfortunately, based on Windows RT sales figures from Microsoft and its OEM partners, the former seems more likely.
As the number of available Windows RT tablets decline, another device will soon face its end-of-life; the Nokia Lumia 2520, at least according to what Microsoft supposedly told PCM. In a response to questions by the Netherlands-based website, Microsoft will be discontinuing production of the Nokia tablet it had acquired as part of the acquisition of Nokia’s Devices & Services division. The 2520 will continue to be sold in the Netherlands for the time being as “an exact date for the end of production is not available” yet.
While the death of Windows RT seems imminent, Microsoft will be pulling another Windows Phone 7.8 on the operating system by backporting some Windows 10 features to it, but that’s about it. Microsoft has no plans to upgrade Windows RT to Windows 10. We have yet to hear anything official about the whole ordeal with the Lumia 2520 but the device’s fate has been uncertain since the acquisition. It never made sense for one company to own two tablets running an operating system very few cared about.