Dakota Financial sees productivity boost and drop in costs in switch to Office 365


Dakota Financial sees productivity boost and drop in costs in switch to Office 365

Finance firm Dakota Financial is the last company to discover the productivity and cost benefits that Office 365 can bring. The company helps other business out with loans for leasing equipment, and has just invested in Office 365, SharePoint, and a scanner. The new setup replaces a previous scanning system and being an annual saving of $14,400.

The savings come in part from a reduction in storage costs, but there are additional advantages to the switch including making auditing easier. There is a great deal of paperwork involved — Dakota Financial works with more than 1.5 million financial documents — so any streamlining to workflow has a significant impact on productivity and efficiency.

As the Office Blog explains:

“It also provides banks with unprecedented transparency into the company’s assets, improving business relationships with lenders. Today, instead of spending hundreds of dollars per extra gigabyte of data, Dakota Financial can grow its business with minimal costs.”

Check out the video below to find out more about Dakota Financial and how Office 365 is helping the company get more done: