India’s leading phone manufacturer Micromax will launch two Windows Phone handsets on Monday. Both the devices will be running on the latest operating system version, Windows Phone 8.1.
Both the handsets will embrace company’s Canvas lineup. One of the handsets is tipped to cost around Rs 6,000 -7,000 ($100-120), whereas the other is expected to cost around Rs 10,000-11,000 ($165-185). Specs for both devices are currently not known. We’ve learned from our sources that the company will be launching several more Windows Phone handsets in next few months.
Few days ago we heard that Micromax was going to unveil a high-end Windows Phone handset — sporting Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB RAM, 13MP camera — but the pricing suggests that we might not see that handset on Monday.
In April, at the Build event, Microsoft announced Micromax as its new Windows Phone partner. The software company had also partnered with several other Indian mobile OEMs – Karbonn Mobiles, Lava and Xolo.