In the run up to the launch of the Xbox One, Microsoft is cranking the advertising up a gear. There’s now a little under a month to go and in the latest advertisement, users are invited to enjoy a new generation where “games and entertainment are no longer separated.”
Called simple “Invitation”, the commercial draws on many of Xbox One’s key games, and users are shown taking advantage of the Xbox One’s voice activation feature to answer Skype calls, and to play videos.
It’s an advertisement which, like the console itself, aims to appeal to as many people as possible. The commercial shows off the many facets of Xbox One — gaming, communication, entertainment — but it also highlights a diverse user base. As well as the teenage boy you’d expect to see gaming, women and older users are also featured.
“Invitation” touches on lots of bases in its bid for mass appeal. There’s soccer, supercars, movies, zombies — all crammed into a commercial just over 90 seconds in length! Check it out in all its cinematic glory on YouTube, also embedded below for your viewing pleasure..