Windows 10 gets universal Shazam app with new interface, Cortana support


Shazam on Windows 10

Shazam has been relaunched on Windows 10 with a brand new Universal app. Shazam, for those that did not know, allows you to identify music around you with a simple tap of a button.
Cortana already has this feature built-in (hit the microphone icon on the taskbar in the Cortana box and then tap the music icon). Those of you who prefer to use Shazam for identifying music, you can now use the new app to “Shazam this” — which works seamlessly with Cortana. The app also offers new song pages with lyrics and recommendations, as well as a news feed to keep you current with the latest music trends.
You can download the app from the link below. Here are the key features of the app:

  • A rebuilt recognition engine with more accurate Shazaming
  • All-new interface, designed specifically for Windows 10
  • Cortana Support – you can now ask her to “Shazam this” and instantly start identifying music around you
  • New song pages with lyrics, videos and recommendations
  • News Feed with great videos, interviews and more from artists you’ve Shazamed
  • LyricPlay, which means you can now sing along to the beat with real-time lyrics!

Price: Free