Borderlands coming to Xbox One thanks to backwards compatibility

Kellogg Brengel

Today, the Xbox Wire staff announced Borderlands, one of the more popular and well-reviewed Xbox 360 titles, will be supported on Xbox One Backwards Compatibility.
The Backwards Compatibility support will allow owners of Borderlands on Xbox 360 to bring the entire game — everything from previously saved games, all downloadable content, and achievements — to the Xbox One.
The game is now available for those in the Preview program and will be available for all Xbox One owners this November when Xbox One Backward Compatibility official launches.
When speaking about the announcement, Chris Hartman, President of Borderlands publisher 2K, said:

“We are proud to support Xbox One Backward Compatibility by bringing the complete, original Borderlands to Xbox One, including all downloadable content. We know many of our fans have put in dozens, even hundreds, of hours exploring the world of Pandora on their Xbox 360, and now they can continue their adventures on Xbox One.”

For those less familiar with Borderlands, it is an action role playing first person shooter launched October of 2009 on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3. The game is known for its sense of humor and multiplayer co-operative mode, as well as its sci-fi/space western setting. The popular series has gone on to have a sequel and a pre-sequel, with a future title in the works but no published release date yet.
The Xbox Wire staff reiterated in their post that Borderlands will just be one of the more than 100 Xbox 360 titles available through Backwards Compatibility at launch, with the promise of hundreds of more on the way. Hopefully today’s announcement sets a norm for Backwards Compatible games with the promise of past saved games, already purchased downloadable content, and achievements, all making their way to the Xbox One.
Which Xbox 360 titles do you hope are made Backwards Compatible? Let us know in the comments section below.