Windows 8 Build 7955: Updated Ribbon, Refined Task Manager


As we all know by now, a new build of Windows 8 leaked today. Build 7955 of Windows 8 looks promising as it showcases many of the features shown in leaked screenshots. Of the features in this leaked build, it seems that both the Ribbon UI and the task manager have improved for the better.

In these screenshots, courtesy of windows8center, the Ribbon UI is more feature rich and seems to have some new sharing options possibly for cloud or Windows Live ID integration. The updated Ribbon now features picture tools to allow you to rotate pictures. Another interesting feature is the ability to play your music directly on the Ribbon rather than opening up Windows Media Player. The Ribbon will also feature a quick access bar to allow users to customize a menu to their liking.

The modern task manager is also updated in this new leaked build. We now get to see nested entries and additional information in the header. We now get to see a more detailed CPU information such as the clock speed and up-time.

This build, 7955, is a Milestone 2 build and is a few months old. Milestone 3 Build 7989, compiled nearly five days ago, is currently floating around inside Microsoft and has yet to be leaked. Read more about this here.

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