Users unhappy with Windows 11’s new Quick Settings menu

Devesh Beri

Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25967 released to the Canary Channel. This build includes several new features, changes, improvements, and fixes. But what caught our eye was ‘Quick Settings.’

In this build, Windows 11 is introducing changes to the Quick Settings feature, making it more user-friendly and customizable:

  1. Scrollable View: Instead of having to edit the list to add new quick actions, users now have a scrollable list of quick actions. This change aims to evaluate the effectiveness of different layouts.
  2. Rearrange Quick Actions: With the scrollable view, users can easily rearrange the order of their quick actions. This provides greater flexibility in customizing the Quick Settings menu according to personal preferences.

These changes are designed to enhance the accessibility and customization options of Quick Settings, allowing users to have quicker access to commonly used functions and a more tailored experience.

However, some Windows Insiders have provided feedback on the changes to Quick Settings, as we noticed in this Twitter post. Their concerns primarily revolve around the scrollable view and the visibility of the new UI elements:

  1. Scrollbar Visibility: Users have raised concerns about the lack of a visible scrollbar in the scrollable view. The disappearing scrollbar might not be intuitive for some users and could lead to confusion.
  2. Button Size: Some users find the buttons in the Quick Settings menu to be overly large, which might not be the most efficient use of screen space.
  3. Discoverability: There are concerns that the small scroll hint might not be noticeable to all users, potentially leading to undiscoverable quick actions on the second page.
  4. Usability: Users generally expect Quick Settings to provide quick and easy access to essential functions. The introduction of scrolling may counter this expectation and make it less user-friendly.

What’s your take on it?