Windows 10 news recap: mixed reality apps appear in the Store, take a look at the new on-screen keyboard and more

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Welcome back to our Windows 10 news recap. We are continuing the trend of our weekly “Windows 10 news recap” series where we go over the top stories of the past week in the world of Microsoft’s flagship operating system.

New Windows 10 mixed reality apps show up in Windows Store

As mixed reality for Windows 10 gets closer to consumers being able to get their hands on it with OEMs headsets, such as those we’ve seen from HP and Acer, a couple new apps have appeared in the Windows Store that exist to assist users in the first-time setup process for the mixed reality headsets that will be coming to market.

HP Mixed Reality Headset Setup
HP Mixed Reality Headset Setup
HP Inc.

Twitter user provides sneak peek at revamped Windows 10 on-screen keyboard

After an unintentional release of some Windows 10 Insider builds the other week, we discovered that Microsoft is working on bringing a new on-screen keyboard to Windows 10 PCs, inspired by Windows 10 Mobile. Now, we’ve got a peek at what it looks like so far.

Yooka-Laylee now available to play on Windows 10

A new open-world platformer has made its way to the Windows Store on Windows 10. While it supports Xbox Live, it unfortunately is not an Xbox Play Anywhere title, thus those who bought it on Xbox One already will need to buy it again if they wish to play it on a Windows 10 PC.

Yooka-Laylee on Xbox One

Windows 10 Facebook users finally get Reactions on comments with latest Beta update

As Facebook aims to add more emotion to its social network, by way of giving ‘Likes’ more meaning through ‘Reactions’, the company has now updated its Windows 10 app beta with support for Reactions.

Facebook (Beta)
Facebook (Beta)

That’s the top Windows 10 news this week – we’ll be back next week with more.