Microsoft embraces the Ninjacat, hands out wallpaper as a thank you to Windows 10 Insiders

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Image Credit: Windows

As the July 29th release date for Windows 10 inches near, the Windows team has some predictably long hours and stress filled days upon them. With the weight of the company’s future on their shoulders, the Windows team remains hopeful, upbeat, and playful. With Windows 10 only eight days away from being released, and Insider builds put on a moratorium for the time being, the Windows team is still continuing their formula of the developer to user engagement. 

Earlier today, Gabe Aul of the Windows team reached out once again via his Twitter page to hand out some goodies to the hard working Insiders who have helped shape Windows 10. Unfortunately, for Insiders hoping to get early hands on the final RTM build of Windows 10 today, Gabe’s gift may have fallen a little short. Instead of a new build, Insiders were treated to new Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile wallpapers. Unlike the extensively documented and artfully crafted Windows 10 hero image, Gabe and the Windows team went to the internet for their creations.

Windows 10 Insiders gifted with ninjacat goodies

“One thing that is amazing about the internet is that it seems to be powered entirely by cats. And we’ve noticed our Windows Insiders having a lot of fun with a particular cat… the ninjacat.”

Windows Insiders can visit the links on the Blogging Windows page to download hi-res wallpapers featuring the now famed Windows ninjacat. While many Windows fans have been playing around with the ninja cat image on their own, the Windows team has crafted some official Insiders images. The images include a ninja cat riding a dolphin unicorn with bacon on its horn. A second image (and a personal favorite) is of the ninja cat riding a T-Rex, and last is the original ninja cat riding a fire-breathing unicorn. What makes the images official insider images is the “I’m a Windows Insider” speech bubble that is photoshopped on. 

The Windows team is also encouraging Insiders to continue to create their own mashups and include a link to a “Do-It-Yourself” kit with raw images. Once created the Windows team would like find the your new images with #windows10 #ninjacat. Alongside the wallpapers, the Windows team also hid one other gift inside of Skype. Lets us know if you can find it.