Try this quick fix if you are experiencing loading and resuming lag on Windows Phone 8.1


Try this quick fix if you are experiencing loading and resuming lag on Windows Phone 8.1

Apps on Windows Phone can launch in a variety of ways. For example, you can launch it directly from the App list, via Cortana, or from email attachments, to name a few. Sometimes, we can experience slowdowns, such as constant “resuming” or “loading” indicators when switching between apps. But have no fear, there just might be a simple lag fix available for you.

When you launch an app, only one app runs in the foreground at a time. If that particular app is in the foreground and you launch another app or press the Start button, the app that was originally in the foreground is suspended in memory. This is to help boost battery life and prevent apps from eating up resources while not in use.

You can returning to the app by either pressing the Back button or by using the Task Switcher and the app instance resumes once again. Since the app was preserved in memory, the app should quickly resume in the same state it was left. However, sometimes this is not the case and we are presented with a “Resuming” or “Loading” indicator for quite some time before the app appears. 

Now that I’ve explained this process, let me dive into the issue at hand. Some Windows Phone 8.1 users are reporting that they have been experiencing loading and resuming lag. Even with the latest updates, the lag seems to continue. So what could be the issue?

Some ideas to rectify the lag involved stopping all apps from running in the background, resetting the phone, disabling transparent tiles, and reverting back to Windows Phone 8.0. But still — the problem persists.

Turns out, removing the Cortana live tile from your home screen has decreased the frequency of this issue. Clearly the live tile is attempting to fetch necessary information, but needs work in terms of performance.

Try it out and see if this method fixes any lag issues you have been experiencing on Windows Phone 8.1. If you’ve discovered any other solutions, share them in the comments below for everyone to see.