Microsoft pulls Xbox Onesie orders due to last minute discovery of manufacturing flaw

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By popular request, Microsoft announced that they would finally start selling the official Xbox Onesie this Friday. The rare item was initially distributed in very limited quantities by Xbox Australia, and it’s safe to assume that a lot of fans were getting ready to purchase one today from Microsoft’s online Xbox Gear store.

Unfortunately, Xbox’s Major Nelson has shared on Twitter that due to an unexpected manufacturing flaw, Microsoft has been forced to push back the shipping date for all Xbox Onesie models. It’s also not possible to pre-order the units today, but rest assured that the Xbox Gear team is currently hard at work to “get this fixed ASAP.”

Along with the original Xbox Onesie models, Microsoft also unveiled a blue Fallout 76 version as a cool reference to the blue Vault jumpsuits worn by vault dwellers in Fallout games. It would be nice if Xbox fans could all get their Onesies before Christmas, and we’ll let you know as soon as we learn about a new shipping date.