Microsoft news recap: ex-engineer faces up to 20 years in prison for defrauding $10m, coronavirus affects financial outlook, and more

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Microsoft news recap is a weekly feature highlighting the top Microsoft news stories of the past week. Sit back, grab some coffee, and enjoy the read!

Microsoft’s SwiftKey Keyboard adds support for Dark Mode on Android phones and tablets

SwiftKey on Android has received a new update that has brought Dark Mode for both phones and tablets, The Settings screen has also received a new design.

Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Android
Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Android

Ex-Microsoft engineer faces up to 20 years in prison for defrauding company of $10 million

One of Microsoft’s ex-engineers is facing up to 20 years imprisonment for defrauding the company of $10 million. Following a 5-day trial, the ex-engineer was found guilty of 18 federal felonies.

A Microsoft logo on a glass wall witha reflection of a blue sky

Xbox Series X will support audio ray tracing and resuming games after a reboot

New information surrounding Microsoft’s next gaming console, the Xbox Series X, has been announced. Of note is the console’s ability to resume a game after rebooting the console.

Microsoft updates Q3 FY20 guidance as coronavirus outbreak to impact Windows OEM and Surface revenues

As the Coronavirus continues its course across an increasing number of countries, Microsoft has updated its Q3 FY20 guidance to make note of the impact that coronavirus could have on its financial performance. Notably, Microsoft expects it to impact Windows OEM and Surface revenue.

That’s it for this week. We’ll be back next week with more Microsoft news.