Microsoft news recap: disappointed with Paris Agreement withdrawal, Microsoft Rewards coming to more countries and more

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Microsoft (MSFT) news recap is a weekly feature highlighting the top Microsoft news stories of the past week. Sit back, grab some coffee, and enjoy the read!

Microsoft expresses disappointment at the US withdrawal from Paris Agreement on climate change

This week saw President Donald Trump pull the US out of the Paris Agreement, which aimed to set targets for many countries around the world to meet in terms of emissions, in order to help the environment. Microsoft has expressed disappointment at Trump’s decision to pull out.

Microsoft runs an Spam Fighters program, random users asked to grade email

Email spam plagues email users on a daily basis – constantly – but Microsoft has a program that little know about, called the Spam Fighters program, it aims to help develop its Smartscreen system on to detect if an email is spam or not, by asking recipients to vote on whether they perceive it to be spam. Spam Fighters Program

Microsoft rolling out curated Bing Video Feed, currently in beta

To help users of Bing discover videos that they may be interested in, Microsoft is opening up a beta of a new Bing Video Feed, which is a curated feed of videos from around the internet, from sites such as YouTube, Dailymotion and others.

Microsoft Rewards comes to UK, coming soon to France, Germany, Canada

Microsoft has officially confirmed that Microsoft Rewards is now available in the UK and, has also said that it is coming to other European countries, including France and Germany but, also Canada.

Microsoft Rewards

That’s it for this week – we’ll be back next week with more Microsoft news!