Local search ads come to Microsoft Bing

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Microsoft is introducing Local Search Ads for Bing, designed to help businesses build regional visibility and gain enhanced visibility in localized Bing search results.

Businesses can start leveraging local search ads today by activating location extensions and creating an account with Microsoft Advertising.

What are local search ads from Bing and how will businesses benefit from them?

Microsoft local search ads are created to empower businesses to gain increased visibility in search engine results. Individuals who use Bing to locate local businesses will be shown the local search ads, positioned in similar proximity to other search results. With these ads, companies can effectively promote their products and services to potential customers in the nearby area. The ads also provide important business information, for example, the company’s location, contact number, and hours of operation.

For businesses that depend on the patronage of customers who visit them physically, this feature is of exceptional help. With all the important information readily available, local companies can create a simpler way for potential customers to find their location and make a purchase.

You can also integrate Call Extensions into your localized ads, providing a tap-to-call function on mobile devices so users can contact your business instantaneously. Furthermore, this convenience is extended to offline users as well, who can dial your number using either their landline or mobile device. Additionally, tablet or PC users can just click your ad in the search results for a free in-browser Skype call.

To use the local ads feature, you must first create an account with Microsoft Advertising and activate location extensions.

Enabling Location Extensions will help you attract more customers and provide them with useful information. Customers will see your address, phone number, and a link to directions next to the advertisement, making it easier for them to get to your front door.

What do you think of the local search ads feature by Bing? Let us know in the comment section below.

via Search Engine Journal