Land o’ Lakes uses Office 365 to make agriculture more productive

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The agriculture business is booming, and it’s only going to be getting bigger. As the world’s population continues to grow year after year, demand for food grows right alongside it. While we may not usually think of agriculture as the sort of industry that needs technology to run smoothly, this massive demand means that items such as Office 365 are necessary to keep the business in good shape. To better highlight, this dynamic, senior director of IT Services at Land O’Lakes Tony Taylor wrote a bit about it on the Office blog.

The guest piece is an interesting read, shedding a bit of light on what happens behind the scenes for a company that so many of us have dealt with before to various degrees. It’s a bit odd to think of an agricultural organization as something that needs to stay on the cutting edge of technology, but the vast amount of moving parts to keep track of to farm and produce food requires a lot of organization. The team at Land O’Lakes was so impressed with Office 365, in fact, that they decided to pick up the extended premium enterprise functionality. Going forward, they’ll be using services such as MyAnalytics and Power BI to empower their employees further.

As usual with these guest posts, you can take a look at the case study for Land O’Lakes to go into a lot more detail about their experiences with Office 365, including migration to the cloud, increasing flexibility, and attracting new talent.