Google’s Photos comes to Windows 10 via 3rd party app Client for Google Photos

Dennis Bednarz


Attractor Mobile Software, the creators of Client for Hangouts, are back with another third-party app for one of Googles services. Google Inc. is known for not wanting to release any apps for the Windows Phone platform, with the only exception being the, horribly outdated, Google Search app. This is where third-party app developers step in.

The app may be useful for some users, like myself, who used Android before, or still do along with their other Windows 10 devices. If you own a Windows 10 PC or want to get back your old photos from the cloud and transfer them to your new Windows 10 phone, this is the app for you.

The app has a weird mix of the Metro design language, MDL2 with a twist of Material Design. This definitely doesn’t match Attractor Mobile Software’s other apps and their UI quality.

The app is available on the Windows Store for a pretty high price of $7.99 but it is on a sale for $4.99 for the next 11 days. If you have any use for the app, this is probably the right time to grab it, so check it out from the link below: