Age of Empire: Castle Siege for Windows Phone and Windows 8.1 picked up a significant update which mostly focuses on bug fixes and improvements. Several crash bugs have been fixes where players lost connection while visiting a castle or simply lost connection to the game.
AI Units
- Defending units have done emergency exit drills and will now have less trouble finding and exiting through gates.
- Range units will no longer waste time shuffling their feet when switching targets at the edge of their range.
- Siege unit wheels will not continue to roll when they are halted while receiving orders.
- Deploying squads rapidly will no longer result in some units becoming paralyzed.
- John Kourkouas’s Terrorize ability won’t cause crazed units to run directly through walls.
- Fixed various issues related to the delivery of notifications.
- Fixed a crash that occurred if the player lost connection while visiting a castle.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when player lost connection while receiving alliance messages.
- Fixed connection error that occurred when a road piece was dragged on top of a wall piece.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred if the player suspended the phone app.
- Fixed an issue with scrolling the unit list on battle logs using the mouse wheel.
- Tapping a trap under a road will select the trap, not the road.
- Changed the way the “you are under attack” timer is calculated to be less confusing. Players shouldn’t see it count down to zero and then reset as often as before.
- Fixed an issue where tapping a text box while on the idle screen would cause the on screen keyboard to pop up repeatedly.
If you happen to be a regular Age of Empires player on either your Windows Phone or Windows 8.1 PC/tablet, now might be a good time to upgrade it.